497.It's not fit to be seen.不堪入目
498.It's not to be trusted.不足为凭
499.It's too busy to attend to something.不暇顾及\/It's too far away to be helped.鞭长莫及
500.Let the tiger return to the mountain.纵虎归山
501.Long to see one’s son become a dragon.望子成龙
502.One climbs a tree to catch fish-a fruitless approach to do.缘木求鱼
503.One does all one can do to catch up.奋起直追
504.One doesn’t know whether to laugh or cry.啼笑皆非
505.One forgets to eat and sleep while working.废寝忘食
506.One has done something to be ashamed of.俯仰无愧
507.One has too many things to attend to.头绪纷纭
508.One hesitates about what move to make.举棋不定
509.One is lucky to have escaped death.两世为人
510.One is so happy as to forget home and duty.乐不思蜀
511.One pretends to be surprised.佯装惊诧
512.One understands what to love and what to hate; know whom to love and whom to hate.爱憎分明
513.Paint clouds to set off the moon.烘云托月
514.Rub one's hands together to warm them.搓手取暖
515.Stand still and refuse to make progress.固步自封
516.Start something new just in order to be different.标新立异
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